Humans are driven to resist change but change is one thing that’s a certainty in life.Buddha called this “impermanence” and said that rejection of this fact —— and an expectation that someone else will keep you happy —— is a major cause of human suffering. We will change, our partners wii change and our circumstance wii change. Of course it’s easy to accept change for the better but it’s our response to negative change that determines our level of relationship satisfaction.
Our change that commonly creats dissatisfaction is when passion and romance began to wane. If we embrance the Buddhist notion that everything is imperformanent,we’ll know to expect different seasons in our relationships, we’ll cling less and be more able to make the most of the phase we’re in.
WHAT TO DO: Know that whatever is happening now —— be good or bad —— will change. Remember, it’ll too shall pass. Be aware that even if your relationship has come out of the passionate stage, the next stage can be satisfying in a different way, offering more emootional stability and a deeper connection.